2023 Popcorn sales has started!

Troop minimums and scoutbucks:
– The troop minimum sale is $450 per family (not per scout, per family). The buyout is $300 if you choose not to sell. The theory behind the minimum is that the troop and the council each get $150 per boy. $150 is
cost of product, so that’s the difference in the buyout.
– That buyout is prorated if you sell, but don’t make $450. So, for example, if you sell $300, your buyout would only be $100 (2/3 of the minimum covers 2/3 of the buyout).
– The troop does give scoutbucksO that can be used for any scouting related activity or purchase.
$450-$1000= 20%
over $1000 =30%
So, if you sell $1000, you get $110. $2000 gets you $410, etc.
It’s a great way to get summer camp for free…

Show and Sell:
– This is your standard selling. Door to door, grandparents, etc. It’s all kept on your order form.
– Any boy that would like, can get a supply of popcorn from me to sell.

Take Order:
– This is for any items that you don’t have and that would have to be delivered at a later date.
– Anything you don’t have in your inventory at the time of sale would be done as a take order.
– This includes any chocolate items.
– These items come in around Thanksgiving.

Online sales:
– Customers can place their order on Campmasters.org.
– Each scout will need to make an account on ordering.campmasters.org. If you previously made an account, you should just need to login.
– This is a great way to sell to out of town relatives.
– These are not the same items that are available through Show and Sells and Take Orders.
– These are more expensive due to shipping costs.
– This begins on August 1.

Storefront sales:
– These are booked by me at local businesses.
– Two boys per hour time slot. Each boy splits the total sold for that hour.
– The popcorn comes from the troop supply.
– I will send out a signup genius for the boys to reserve spots when we get closer.

– Campmasters has a prize list. The standard stuff. You sell x amount and you can choose something from this group.
– The troop has been doing a raffle of some larger prizes. For every $100 you sell, you get a ticket. We then draw for the prizes. The amount and quality of the prizes are usually based on how much we sell that
– We’ve had everything from backpacks and sleeping bags to Fire Sticks and bluetooth headphones.
– We have also, traditionally, had the Electronics Campout at Don Miller Park, usually in January/February. For any family that sells $1000, they get a weekend of video games in a cabin.