District Level Awards:
The District Award of Merit is a council award, presented by districts, to Scouters who render service of an outstanding nature at the district level. A nominee must have rendered noteworthy service to youth in Scouting, outside Scouting, or both. The award can only be awarded once to any individual, and consideration is given to the nominee’s Scouting position and the corresponding opportunity to render outstanding service beyond the expectations of that Scouting position.
Of The Year Awards are Awarded to those individuals that have gone above and beyond in the position they are registered in Scouting in our district/council this past year.
Spark Plugs is an award bestowed upon Volunteers by the District for those who give far more than the minimum daily requirement of Scouting to their unit, the district, or to scouting in general. The award is intended for the individual who has added that “Special Spark” to Unit outings or has given their time for a special event or project that has made the difference in the success of the Unit or District.
"Keeper of the Fire" Award this award is for those people who make a difference to Packs, Troops, Posts or District, often in a behind-the-scenes manner, that is instrumental in keeping the Light of Scouting lit in our district for Onondaga Scout families.
Council Level Awards:
Silver Beaver Award was introduced in 1931 and is a council-level distinguished service award of the Boy Scouts of America. Recipients of this award are registered Scouters who have made an impact on the lives of youth through service given at the council level. It is the highest award a council can bestow upon a volunteer.
Venturing Leadership Award recognizes Venturers and Venturing Advisors who have made exceptional contributions to Venturing and who exemplify the Scout Oath and Law. Councils, territories, and the BSA National Council may present individuals with the Venturing Leadership Award.
Order of the Arrow Founder's Award recognizes Arrowmen who have given outstanding service to their lodge. The award is reserved for an Arrowman who demonstrates that he or she personifies the spirit of selfless service, as advocated by founder E. Urner Goodman and cofounder Carroll A. Edson.
Order of the Arrow Vigil Honor is the highest honor that the Order of the Arrow can bestow upon its members for service to lodge, council, and Scouting.
Council, District, and Order of the Arrow Honors bestowed upon Members of Troop 457
Council Level Awards
Silver Beaver
- 2021 Guy Kulwanoski Asst Scoutmaster, District Committee Member
- 2018 Brett Kennedy Committee Member, Past Committee Chair, District Chair
- 2017 Ginny Conway Asst Scoutmaster, Advisor Crew 457
- 2017 Dr Rick Vienne Past Troop Committee Member, Past Council President
- 2009 John Moscati Jr Eagle Scout, scout parent, Council Board Member
- 2008 James Pankow* Received prior to joining troop as Chartered Organizational Rep
Distinguished Youth of the Year - Council Level
- 2022 Sandeep Karunaratne
- 2014 CJ Long
- 2018 Stephen Rinaldo Jr., Past Crew President and Eagle Scout
- 2014 Ginny Conway, Asst Scoutmaster, Advisor Crew 457 2011-2021
- 2014 Jordan Fuller, Past Crew President and GS Gold, sister of scouts
- 2023 Ginny Conway Asst Scoutmaster, Past Lodge Section Conclave Vice Chief Adviser, 2015 NOAC Contingent Leader
- 2016 Noah Gould Eagle Scout, Past Lodge Chief
- 2015 Anthony Rinaldo Eagle Scout, Past Senior Patrol Leader, Lodge Vice Chief
- 2021 Noah Thurston
- 2019 Stephen Rinaldo, Sr
- 2018 Stephen Rinaldo, Jr
- 2017 Guy Kulwanoski, Frank Masi
- 2016 Ethan Bommer, Ben Kulwanoski
- 2015 CJ Long
- 2014 Noah Gould, Anthony Rinaldo
- 2013 Ginny Conway
- 2008 Tom Spengler
- * Jim Pankow was inducted prior to joining 457
2022 Brett Kennedy, Committee Member and District Chair
District Award of Merit
- 2018 Guy Kulwanoski Asst Scoutmaster, Committee Member Crew 457, District Committee
- 2017 Rick Pickelhaupt Committee Member, Past Scoutmaster, District Committee
- 2016 Ginny Conway Asst Scoutmaster, Advisor Crew 457
- 2016 Doug Olsen Past Committee Chair, Committee Chair Crew 457, District Committee
- 2015 Joe Foley Asst Scoutmaster
- 2015 Brett Kennedy Committee Chair
- 2010 Paul DesJardins Committee Member, Pack 457 Cubmaster
- 2004 Bill Sullivan Scoutmaster
District Youth of the Year
- 2022 Sandeep Karunaratne
- 2014 CJ Long
District Chartered Organizational Representative of the Year
- 2023 James Pankow
District Keeper of the Fire
2021 Mike Dorobiala, Rob Kappel, Carla Krahl, Kris Krahl, Sue Perras,
District Spark Plugs
2020 Chris Rubino, Kirk Wilson
2019 Joe Foley, Guy Kulwanoski, Anthony Rinaldo, Jean Winsor, Pack 457/Troop 457
2018 Michael Bommer, Dean Fuller, Carla Krahl – Pack 222,/Troop 457, Richard Pickelhaupt - District, Susan Rinaldo – Troop & Crew 457, Thomas Spengler